


Najib: Pembangkang hipokrit sokong 'Mahathir Bapa Segala Tol'

Kurang 24 jam selepas empat plaza kutipan tol dimansuhkan, Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak melancarkan serangan terhadap pembangkang, menyifatkannya sebagai hipokrit atas cubaan mereka 'putar-belit' hal ini.
Beliau antara lain berkata pembangkang hipokrit kerana menyokong 'Bapa Segala Tol'.
"Inilah pembangkang di Malaysia. Hipokritnya mereka, mereka jugalah yang menyanjung tinggi dan mendukung Bapa Segala Tol, bekas pemimpin yang membuat perjanjian berat sebelah, menguntungkan sesetengah kroni tetapi merugikan dan menindas rakyat," kata Najib dalam tulisan di blognya hari ini.
Meskipun tidak menyebut sebarang nama dalam hantaran tersebut, Najib sebelum ini menggelar Dr Mahathir Mohamad sebagai 'Bapa Segala Tol' semasa perhimpunan agung Umno Disember lalu.

Kenyataan perdana menteri susulan pemansuhan kutipan tol di Batu Tiga dan Sungai Rasau di Selangor, Bukit Kayu Hitam di Kedah dan Lebuhraya Eastern Dispersal Link (EDL) di Johor yang berkuatkuasa tengah malam tadi.


How To Install Lineage OS 15 For LeEco Le Pro 3 (zl1)

Post Last updated on 4th December, 2017: Updated new download link with some Bug Fix. Now Download the latest Lineage OS 15 For LeEco Le Pro 3 (zl1) which has fixed bugs and improved performance and stability. Enjoy
Finally, A Good news for all LeEco Le Pro 3 (zl1) users. Now you can enjoy the Lineage OS 15 for LeEco Le Pro 3. Google released the latest Android 8.0 Oreo for Pixel and Nexus supported device. If you still wondering whether your device will receive Android Oreo update, then check the full list of officially supported device from the manufacturer. In case if your phone has currently out dated and you want to upgrade to latest Android Oreo, then here are the list of an official and unofficial version of Android 8.0 Oreo developed by LineageOS team. In this post, we will guide to install Lineage OS 15 For LeEco Le Pro 3 (zl1). This update is under development. Currently, we haven't tested this ROM yet.
This ROM is developed by codeworkx. So full credits go to him for his hard work on this project. We glad that he could bring a stable version of Android 8.0 based Lineage OS 15. Check the full differences between Stock and Custom ROM here.
Recently released Android is known as Android 8.0 Oreo. This is a successor of Android Nougat and comes with many new features such as Picture in Picture mode, New Android O Emoji style, New Notification UI, Settings Overhaul changes, etc. So today we will guide to install the Lineage OS 15 for LeEco Le Pro 3 (zl1). LineageOS 15 is based on Android 8.0 Oreo. Find the list of all LineageOS 15 Supported device. 
How To Install Lineage OS 15 For LeEco Le Pro 3

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